Friday, April 10, 2015

How to Use the Extensionary

Find A Specific Extension

Use the index links in the frame on the right side of all Extensionary pages. If looking for information on an extension, such as .D64, select the D Index. For .7Z, or extensions that begin with a non-alphabetic character, select the "0-9 ~ ? Index".

Each index page features links to a page for each unique extension.

Sequential Extensions Entries

For any extension that is part of a logical, sequential series of extensions, the first in the series determines where it is indexed. The sequence must be alphanumerically sequential, without interruption. A logical, sequential series are a series of extensions whose file/data content are identical, or that they are all used by a single application or process for the same purpose.


.OR2 .OR5


For entries which have multiple definitions, such .JPE, a single line feed/carriage return separates each entry. This is due to the way I have compiled the entries in my text editor, and have added them with copy and paste into the blog. It looks slapdash, but it makes changes infinitely easier.

Further Information

Further information about the Extensionary can be found here.

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