.C C programming language source code file.
.C++ C++ programming language source code file.
.C2D WinOnCD image file (Power Software's Free Any Burn).
.C2K Card 2000 index card file (AS-Pro Software Card 2000).
.C2KJ Card 2000 Java applet file (AS-Pro Software Card 2000).
.C32 Card 32 index card file (AS-Pro Software Card 2000).
.C3D Cool 3D projects file (ULEAD Cool 3D/VisualStudio and other Ulead products).
.C5F Cameleon 5000 Formant Filter file (Camel Audio's Cameleon 5000 1.2).
.C5H Cameleon 5000 Harmonics preset file (Camel Audio's Cameleon 5000 1.2).
.C5I Cameleon 5000 Initialization/Reset file (Camel Audio's Cameleon 5000 1.2).
.C5I Cameleon 5000 Instrument file (Camel Audio's Cameleon 5000 1.2).
.C5M Cameleon 5000 Morph Envelope file (Camel Audio Cameleon 5000 1.2).
.C5N Cameleon 5000 Noise preset file (Camel Audio Cameleon 5000 1.2).
.C5V Cameleon 5000 Voice program file (Camel Audio's Cameleon 5000 1.2).
.C64 Commodore 64 emulator freeze/saved-state file (CCS64).
.C64 Commodore 64 graphical image file. Given how many formats are unique to the Commodore 64, the file is likely to be one of the more popular types such as Doodle, Koala, etc. (Many applications, many formats).
.C64 Commodore 64 image file (Andreas R Kleinert's SView5).
.C64 Commodore 64 program file (Many Commodore 64 emulator applications).
.C64 Commodore 64 SID chip audio file (SIDplay).
.C64 Documentation specific to the Commodore 64 operating system, Commodore 64 programs or programming, etc.
.CA Composite Application file (IBM Lotus Symphony).
.CAB Cabinet archive format file (Microsoft Windows and other archive applications, many variants).
.CAC Cache file (many applications).
.CACHE Cache file (Ari Pikivirta's Home FTP Server).
.CACHE Cache file (many applications).
.CAF Core Audio File (QuickTime and Soundtrack Pro and other audio applications).
.CAL Calculator/spreadsheet save (Quantoid's Calc2).
.CAL Calendar document file (Sierra On-Line's Print Artist 3).
.CAL Calendar project file (MindScape PrintMaster Gold).
.CAL CALS Group 4 black and white image file.
.CAL Compressed bitmap image file.
.CAM Camera image file (Casio cameras).
.CAR Car/Cars data file = XCD car description format (MSB's Car Explorer).
.CAR Quarter-fold Card project file (MindScape PrintMaster).
.CAS Cassette tape image file = WAV/waveform audio content created by/for Radio Shack DOS/CoCo computer emulators (Nicola Salmoria & MAME team's Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator).
.CAT Catalog file (Ashton Tate's dBase IV and other dBase and compatible database applications/developer environments).
.CAT Security Catalog file (Microsoft Windows).
.CB Chat room activity/conversation log file. Whether the extension was derived from the Citizen's Band radio or not, the use would be apt in this instance given CB radio communication's similarity with chat room/IRC chat activity.
.CBA Compiled BASIC program.
.CBD ContactBook Database file = text based (TEngel's ContactBook).
.CBL Common Business Oriented Language/COBOL programming language source code file.
.CBM Commodore Business Machines emulation file or emulated Commodore DOS disk image file (Style DirMaster and other Commodore computer emulators/applications).
.CBR Captured Brush file (Boris Eyrich Software Artweaver).
.CBR Comic Book RAR archive file (eBook applications).
.CBT Comic Book TAR archive file (eBook applications).
.CBZ Comic Book ZIP archive file (eBook applications).
.CC CAMCAD document file (Many CAD/CAM applications).
.CCC CorelCENTRAL Calendar File (Corel WordPerfect 8 Suite).
.CCD CloneCD control file (Elaborate Bytes' CloneCD).
.CCF Content Channel File (Go!Zilla 3.x download manager).
.CCF CorelCENTRAL Card File (Corel WordPerfect 8 Suite).
.CCL Credit Card Logfile (Retro Software Designs Credit Card Verifier).
.CCP CloneCD Profile file (SlySoft's CloneCD).
.CCP CorelCENTRAL Planner file (Corel WordPerfect 8 Suite).
.CCT CAM Card Template file (CAM Development Business Card Designer Plus).
.CDA Compact Disc Audio track file (Many applications and devices).
.CDA Compact Disk digital audio.
.CDAPP Plug-in file (Safer-Networking's SpyBot Search & Destroy).
.CDC Compact Disc jewel case Cover project file (Nero Burning ROM/Nero Express).
.CDC3 Cartes Du Ciel 3 file (Patrick Shevalley's Cartes du Ciel 3/Sky Charts 3).
.CDD ConceptDraw Document (CS Odessa's ConceptDraw).
.CDDA AIFF audio (QuickTime 7.7.2).
.CDDA Compact Disc Digital Audio track file (Many applications).
.CDE CD Exchange data entries file (CD Storage Master).
.CDG Karaoke file = the video file portion that requires an audio file to accompany/play with it.
.CDI DiscJuggler CD Image file (Power Software's Free Any Burn).
.CDJ DiscJuggler 6 disk image file (Padus' DiscJuggler 6).
.CDL CADL section entities file (CadKey and other CAD/CAM applications).
.CDL ConceptDraw Library file (CS Odessa's ConceptDraw).
.CDLX CD Layout file (Adobe Audition).
.CDR CorelDRAW vector format image file (CorelDRAW and many other graphics applications).
.CDS C-Organizer Database file (CSoftLab C-Organizer 2001).
.CDS Cadrans Solaires fichiers = Sundial file (Francois Blateyron's Shadows).
.CDS Native CD catalog Storage database file (CD Storage Master).
.CDT ConceptDraw Template file (CS Odessa's ConceptDraw).
.CDT CorelDRAW Template image file (CorelDRAW, CorelDesigner).
.CDW ConceptDraw Workspace file (CS Odessa's ConceptDraw).
.CDX Compound Index file (Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6).
.CDX CorelDRAW Compressed image file (Corel's CorelDRAW).
.CEDCOVERS Cover Editor Designer Covers file (Ashampoo Burning Studio).
.CEDPRJ Cover Editor Designer Project file (Ashampoo Burning Studio).
.CEDTHEME Cover Editor Theme file (Ashampoo Burning Studio 11).
.CEL Celestia script (3 dimensional celestial emulation application).
.CEL Cool Edit audio Loop file (Cool Edit Pro).
.CEL FLC animation (QuickTime 7.7.2).
.CEL Flic animation Cel format image (Autodesk Animator and other image applications).
.CER Certificate document file (Sierra On-Line's Print Artist 3).
.CER Certificate project file (MindScape PrintMaster).
.CER Security Certificate file (Microsoft Windows cryptographic tasks).
.CFG Application skin file (Draw3D).
.CFG Hardware Configuration file (Many applications).
.CFG Instructional documentation for configuring applications/devices = Text files (Software distributions).
.CFG Program Configuration file (Many applications).
.CFM Cold Fusion Markup Language file (ColdFusion and other webmastering applications).
.CFML Cold Fusion Markup Language file (ColdFusion and other webmastering applications).
.CFP CD-RTools Front-End Project file (O. Valencia's CDRTools Front-End/CDRTFE).
.CFS CFScript snippet file (Allaire ColdFusion).
.CGA Ulead CG Animation library file (Ulead CG Infinity).
.CGE Ulead CG Envelope library file (Ulead CG Infinity).
.CGI Common Gateway Interface file = Perl language script (Many applications).
.CGM Computer Graphics Metafile format image file (Many graphics applications).
.CGO Ulead CG Object file (Ulead CG Infinity).
.CGO Ulead CG Style library file (Ulead CG Infinity).
.CGP Captor Group file (StileSoft NetCaptor 6.5).
.CGZ Compressed CGM image file (Many graphics applications).
.CH3 Harvard Graphics format image.
.CHA Change sets file (Cincom VisualWorks SmallTalk).
.CHA Character file.
.CHA Color Channel mixture adjustment file (Adobe Photoshop).
.CHI ChimpNotes file (Demios' Chimp Notes).
.CHIMPNOTES ChimpNotes file (Demios' Chimp Notes).
.CHL Chain Launching jobs file (Greatis' RegRun Security Suite 3).
.CHM Compiled HTML format help file (Many applications).
.CHP ChimpNotes v1 file (Demios' Chimp Notes).
.CHR Bitmap Character set = single image containing a monospaced character set (Many applications, games in particular. Many variants).
.CHR Character set file (Borland C++ applications).
.CIF CD Image File (Adaptec Easy CD Creator 3).
.CIF Easy CD/DVD Creator Image File (Power Software's Free Any Burn).
.CIN Channel Information file (GTek).
.CIN Kodak Cineon format image file (CinePaint and other graphics/animation applications).
.CIR SPICE Circuit/schematic file.
.CIRC Ciruit project file (Logsim).
.CIT Citation/Citations file (Many applications).
.CIT CITI file.
.CITI CITI circuit file.
.CIX Code Intelligence XML file (ActiveState's Komodo Edit).
.CL Class file.
.CL Cursor Library file (Aha-Soft's IconUtils ArtCursors).
.CL Lisp source code file.
.CL3 CD Layout file (Adaptec Easy CD Creator 3).
.CLA Class file (Cincom VisualWorks SmallTalk).
.CLASS Java Class file (Many Java applications).
.CLB Color Book file (QuarkXPress Passport).
.CLG Catalog file of WIM file (Windows System Image Manager).
.CLISP Lisp source code file.
.CLJ Clojure source file.
.CLK Image file (Corel R.A.V.E.).
.CLONEDVD CloneDVD 2 project file (Elaborate Bytes' CloneDVD 2).
.CLP Clipboard clipping = Saved clipboard objects (Windows ClipBook Viewer and other applications).
.CLR Color settings file (MindScape PrintMaster).
.CLS Classlist description file (Microsoft's series of Flight Simulator games - many variants).
.CLV ClearVideo video file.
.CMAKE CMake project file.
.CMB Combat Mission game-save/scenario Battle file (Big Time Software's Combat Mission).
.CMD FastLynx 2 form file = command script (Sewell Development's FastLynx 2/3).
.CMD Command/CMD.exe batch file = Batch/BAT file. The only difference between CMD and BAT is the extension and that Windows NT variants do not have access to a real MS-DOS (NT-based Windows operating systems).
.CMIS Page Critic Mission file (FirstPlace Software's WebPosition Gold).
.CMO CyberMotion 3D object project file (CyberMotion 3D-Designer 6).
.CMP Lead CMP image file = Lead JPEG (Graphics editors/applications).
.CMX Corel Metafile Exchange file.
.CMX Corel Presentations Exchange format file (Corel Word Perfect Office X6).
.CNF Conferencing speed-dial shortcut file (Microsoft Windows).
.CNO Conference file (CIX's Ameol2).
.CNT Contents file for Windows HLP document (Microsoft Windows Help).
.COB Caligari trueSpace 3D Object file (Caligari Truespace, Bryce, and other 3D editors/viewers).
.COL Collection file (Invention Pilot's Silver Pilot).
.COLLECTION Collection file = Text or binary (Paul Boersma's and David Weenink's Praat linguistics research software).
.COLOR Color gradient file (Neuber Font Twister).
.COM COM application file (Windows operating system).
.COMPOSITEFONT Composite Font file (Corel Word Perfect Office X6).
.CONF Configuration file (Many operating systems, applications and variants).
.CONFIG Confuguration file (Many applications and variants).
.CPG Calypso Plug-in file (Micro Computer Systems' Calypso e-mail client).
.CPIO CPIO format archive container file (Many applications).
.CPK Copernic engine Package file (Copernic 2000).
.CPL Control Panel object file (Microsoft Windows).
.CPN Campaign file (Microsoft's Age of Empires 2).
.CPP C++ and C# programming source code file (Many C++ and C# development environments and compilers).
.CPSH Color Pixel Shader file (Ashampoo Burning Studio).
.CPT Corel PHOTO-PAINT 6 & 7 bitmap image file (Corel PHOTO-PAINT, CorelDRAW X6, and other graphics applications).
.CPX Corel ArtShow image file (Corel ArtShow).
.CR2 Canon RAW v2 format image file.
.CRD Card file (Microsoft Windows 3.x/9x/ME).
.CRD Contact events markup (ICQ2000a).
.CRF CDCheck diagnostic, reliability, error Report File (CDCheck). CDCheck developer began employing this extension and ceased using .CDF when it was discovered other products used the .CDF extension.
.CRF Crafts document file (Sierra On-Line's Print Artist 3).
.CRL Certificate Revocation List file (Many applications/operating systems).
.CRL Certificate Revocation List file (Microsoft Windows).
.CRON Crontab file (ActiveState's Komodo Edit).
.CRP Crop files (SimFarm game).
.CRT Commodore 64 auto-starting Cartridge ROM or utility Cartridge (Most good C64 emulators).
.CRT Crate file (Allaphs' CrateSim).
.CRW Canon RAW format image file.
.CRX Chrome Extension file (Axure RP Pro).
.CS C# code/script file (sharpdevelop.net's JSharp Develop 4).
.CS C# programming language source code (Microsoft VisualStudio).
.CS0 Calendarscope planner/scheduler data file (Duality Calendarscope).
.CSD CSound orchestra file (Algorithmic composition applications that employ the CSoundAC API, CSoundQt).
.CSD CSound score file (Algorithmic composition applications that employ the CSoundAC API, CSoundQt).
.CSF IGC Content Sealed Format file = Proprietary encrypted redactable CAD/document delivery format (IGC's Brava Desktop and Brava/Free DWG Viewer).
.CSH C Shell script file (Many Unix/Linux operating systems, Bill Joy's C shell command line interface).
.CSH Custom Shape file (Adobe Photo Elements).
.CSK Copernic Skin file (Copernic 2000).
.CSL Corel Symbol Library file (CorelDRAW X6 and other Corel products).
.CSM Cartography Shop Map file (Cartography Shop).
.CSM CShop Map file (Leadwerks 3D World Studio).
.CSO CSound orchestra file (Algorithmic composition applications that employ the CSoundAC API, CSoundQt).
.CSPROJ C# Project file (sharpdevelop.net's JSharp Develop 4).
.CSPROJ C++ Source code Project file (Microsoft VisualStudio).
.CSQ Client-Server Query Wizard file = SQL Query for OBDC databases (Microsoft's Visual FoxPro 2.6).
.CSS Cascading Style Sheet markup/code file (Many document applications, especially web document/development applications).
.CST Crosti cross-stitch Scheme Template file (Levin Sergey's Crosti).
.CSV Comma Separated Values file = data sharing/verification file format (Many applications).
.CSV Comma Separated Values spreadsheet file (Draw3D).
.CSZ Skin ZIP archive file (TCMP).
.CT SciTex Continuous Tone image file (Many graphics applications).
.CT2 CreaToon 2 scene file (Androme CreaToon 2).
.CTB CTB file (AutoDWG's PDF Converter).
.CTF Catalog File (WhereIsIt?).
.CTG Catalog Group file (WhereIsIt?).
.CTI Completed Task list file (Pollen's Task-O-Matic).
.CTM Catalog Template file (WhereIsIt?).
.CTX CreaToon Extension file (Androme CreaToon 2).
.CTY City file (Maxis' SimCity, SimCity for Windows).
.CUE Cue sheet file (Many audio and other applications).
.CUE Disc image (Many applications).
.CUE Optical media image Cue file (Many applications).
.CUI Color UI file (Quark's CopyDesk and other Quark products).
.CUJ Clean-up Job file (Personal Backup).
.CUL Cursor Library file (Cursor Arts' IconForge 6).
.CUR Cursor file (Hagen Wieshofer's Icon Edit Pro).
.CUR Static Cursor image file (Microsoft Windows and other icon/cursor applications).
.CUT Dr. Halo image file (Many image applications).
.CUX CUX image file (ACDSee).
.CVF Compressed Volume File (Many applications).
.CVG Calamus Vector Graphics file (Calamus).
.CVL Convolution kernal settings file (Adobe Systems' Premiere and other Adobe Systems' products).
.CVR Cover page file (ElectraSoft 32bit Fax 9).
.CVSH Color Vertex Shader file (Ashampoo Burning Studio).
.CW_ Corel Workspace file (Corel's CorelDRAW X6).
.CXF QCad font file (LibreCAD).
.CXN Conference file (CIX's Ameol2).
.CXT Crayola file (IBM Crayola Print Factory).
.CXX C++ programming language source code file.
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