Monday, September 2, 2013


.L    Lisp source code file.
.LA1  Liquid Audio v1 file (Liquid Audio Player and other media players).
.LAB  Mailing Label definition file (WordPerfect Office Suite).
.LAR  Liquid Audio Registration file (Liquid Audio Player).
.LASSO Lasso file.
.LATEX LaTeX file.
.LAV  Liquid Audio Voucher file (Liquid Audio Player).
.LAVS Liquid Audio Secure Voucher file (Liquid Audio Player).
.LAY  Layout file (MindScape PrintMaster Gold).
.LAY  Layout file (Pixel Studio Pro).
.LAY  Layout file = XML markup that provides MAME with instructions as to where resources are to be allocated for the ROM/application/game/etcetera associated/packaged with the LAY file and/or the MAME application (MAME).
.LB   Library file.
.LBI  Library file (Macromedia Dreamweaver).
.LBL  Label file (Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6).
.LBL  Label project file (MindScape PrintMaster).
.LBM  Deluxe Paint image file (Many applications).
.LBT  Label file (Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6).
.LBX  Label Extension definition file (Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6).
.LCD  CDSpace Image file (Power Software's Free Any Burn).
.LCD  L-Signature Cache Data file (Analinx Duplicatch).
.LCS  Lotus iCalendar file (Lotus Development's Lotus Organizer).
.LCT  Component Template file (Firehand Ember).
.LDB  Temporary Link Database file (VSoft's VideoClick Personal).
.LET  Letterhead project file (MindScape PrintMaster).
.LEV  Game level file (Many games).
.LEVEL Game level file (Many games).
.LEX  Dictionary file (Microsoft Office).
.LFF  LFF font file (LibreCAD).
.LFM  Delphi application resource file.
.LGC  XML/SGML Logic file (Corel Word Perfect Office X6).
.LGPL GNU Lesser General Public License file = license text (Many applications/distributions).
.LI   List file (Many applications).
.LIB  Sound Libraries file (eMagic SoundDiver).
.LIBRARY Library file (Ian Luck's XMPlay module/mod player).
.LIBRARY~ Temporary Library file (Ian Luck's XMPlay module/mod player).
.LIC  Licensing information/documentation in plaintext (Software distributions).
.LIC  Product activation License file = a file purchased by a user, usually on the world wide web, that activates a software product and/or enables the product to operate with all available features functional (Many applications).
.LIN  LineStyles file (CorelCAD).
.LIS  List file (Many applications).
.LISP Lisp programming language application or source code file.
.LIST List file (Many applications).
.LML  Songlist file (Bremmers Audio Design's Multitrack Studio).
.LNG  Application Language translation/localization file (Many applications).
.LNG  Language package file (UltraDefrag).
.LNGC Language/localization file (Steven Mayall's MusicBee).
.LNS  LinkStash bookmark or backup file (XRayz' LinkStash).
.LNX  Commodore Lynx chained files archive (Commodore emulator applications).
.LNX  Will Corley's LYNX format file = Files and their significant parameters sequentially packed/linked into a single container/archive file (Commodore computer emulation programs).
.LOCK Lock file (Axure RP Pro).
.LOG  Log file (Many operating systems, applications, and variations though usually plain-text-based files).
.LOGHARD ZCAD LOGHARD log file (Andrey M. Zubarev's ZCAD).
.LPAQ LPAQ archive file (Many variants and applications).
.LPAQ8 LPAQ8 archive file = PAQ and it's many variants are all brute force compression methods (PeaZip and other archive file applications).
.LPD  Launch Pad settings file (Helix' Nuts & Bolts).
.LPI  LodePaint Image file (Lode Vandevenne's LodePaint).
.LPL  Plug-in file (AceHTML Pro).
.LQP  Liquid Passport file (Liquid Audio Player).
.LQT  Liquid Text file (Liquid Audio Player).
.LR   Lode Runner game levels container.
.LRG  xRes LRG image file.
.LRS  Language Resource File (Corel Word Perfect Office X6).
.LSA  Liquid Skin Add-on file (Liquid Audio Player).
.LSI  XML/SGML Layout file (Corel's Word Perfect Office X6).
.LSP  Lisp source code file.
.LSP  XLisp script file.
.LST  Adobe font List file = Markup.
.LST  Backup files list file (Ontrack Fix-It Utilities 3).
.LST  List file (Ari Pikivirta's Home FTP Server).
.LST  Playlist file (Nic Wilson's MoviePlay 2.5 and other media players).
.LST  Structured notes List file (MemPad).
.LT   Language Translation file (Many applications).
.LTH  Letterhead document file (Sierra On-Line's Print Artist 3).
.LTX  LaTeX file.
.LUA  Lua programming language script file (UltraDefrag).
.LUA  LUA source code file.
.LUAR Lua programming language report file (UltraDefrag).
.LUT  Lutcurve values file (Atrise Lutcurve).
.LVL  Game level file (Many games).
.LVL  Levels filter settings file (Adobe System's Premiere 5).
.LW   LightWave binary Object file (NewTek LightWave Studio).
.LWO  LightWave binary Object file (NewTek LightWave Studio).
.LWS  LightWave Scene file (NewTek LightWave Studio).
.LWV  Linguistically enhanced WAV file (Microsoft Windows).
.LXO  LightWave object or Modo file (Many applications).
.LYRICS Lyrics file (Steven Mayall's MusicBee).
.LZMA LZMA archive file (SmithMicro's Stuffit Deluxe/Expander and other archive applications).
.LZP  LazPaint image file (Circular & Fabien Wang's LazPaint 4).

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