Monday, September 2, 2013


.J    Jamagic script source file (Clickteam JaMagic).
.J2K  LEAD proprietary JPEG2K/JPEG 2000 image format file that supports lossless JPEG imagery (A finite number of image editors/applications).
.JAR  Java format Archive container (Many applications and devices).
.JAR  Java programming language JAR application file (Many applications).
.JAV  Java programming language source code file (Many applications).
.JAVA Java programming language source code file (Many applications).
.JBF  Jasc image Browser File = images index (Jasc Paint Shop Pro).
.JBR  Jasc Brush file (Jasc Paint Shop Pro).
.JCM  Jasc CMYK color profile file (Jasc Paint Shop Pro).
.JFIF JPEG File Interchange Format image file = JPEG image (Many applications).
.JGD  Jasc color Gradient file (Jasc Paint Shop Pro).
.JMI  NetImmersive/Gamebryo Model file (NifTools NifSkope).
.JNLP Java Network Launch Protocol file = XML markup (Oracle's JAVA page).
.JOB  Job file (Cheyenne InocuLAN 4).
.JOB  Job Order file (Padus DiskJuggler.NET's PFCNET command line utility).
.JOT  Jot+/JotPlus format document (King Stairs' Jot+/JotPlus Notes).
.JPE  InnoculateIT Windows system file backup file (Computer Associates' InnoculateIT).
.JPE  Joint Photographics Expert Group file interchange format image file = A holdover/tradition from MS-DOS/DOS systems whose extensions having a 3 character limit truncated the last letter of JPEG (Many applications).
.JPEG Joint Photographics Expert Group file interchange format image file (Many applications).
.JPG  Joint Photographics Expert Group file interchange format image file (Many applications).
.JRC  Jamagic resource file (Clickteam JaMagic).
.JS   JavaScript scripting language file (Many applications, especially web document-driven applications).
.JS   JavaScript scripting language file (Ali Almossawi's/CyberiaPC's AAScripter).
.JSL  J# language source code or source code snippet file (Microsoft VisualJ# "JSharp").
.JSON JavaScript Object Notation file (Many applications).
.JSP  Java Server Page source code file (Java applications).
.JWW  Jww Drawing file (LibreCAD).

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