Monday, September 2, 2013


.S    Source code file (Many applications).
.S    Temporary/Backup/Save file.
.S37  Modem installation files (Rockwell 56KFlex Modemwave/Genius series).
.S3D  Simply 3D format image file (Micrografx Simply 3D).
.S3M  ScreamTracker Module audio file (Many audio/tracker applications).
.SAF  Safe file (Encryption and database applications).
.SAF  Safe file (InterTrust).
.SAFE SafeIT encyrpted file/attachment. Original filename with extension has the SAFE extension appended to it once encryption is completed (SoftNet Security's SafeIT Encryption v6).
.SAM  Ami Pro document (Many word processor and Office applications).
.SAM  Headerless 16-bit monophonic audio sample file (Many audio applications).
.SAM  Session file (MAGIX Music Studio).
.SAMPLE Sample file = TXT file (Ares Galaxy and others).
.SAMPLE Sample file whose content usually is that of a file with a different extension (Many applications).
.SAP  Slight Atati Player/SAP audio file = a file containing music data and music player program code. See Wiki and Piotr's description of the SAP format (Piotr Fusik's Another Slight Atati Player/ASAP).
.SAS  SAS source code file.
.SAV  Backup files (Many applications).
.SAV  Game Save file (Activision Mech Warrior 2).
.SAV  Game Save or Auto-game-save file (Valve, Westwood, FreeCiv, and other games/developers).
.SAV  Project or application state Save files (Many applications).
.SAZ  Session Archive ZIP format (Fiddler web debugger).
.SBD  Storyboard file (MGI VideoWave, a few variants).
.SBE  SpyBot Excludes file = DOS text (Safer-Networking's Spybot Search & Destroy).
.SBI  SpyBot Search & Destroy's Includes file = spyware detection database (Safer-Networking's OpenSBI Editor and SpyBot Search & Destroy).
.SBL  StarBasic Language file (Sun's StarOffice 5.1).
.SBS  SpyBot Search & Destroy Supplemental spyware detection database file (Safer-Networking's SpyBot Search & Destroy).
.SC   SuperCollider file (James McCartney and others' SuperCollider).
.SC2  Schedule+ application file (Microsoft Office).
.SC9  Suitcase 9 font database file (Extensis Suitcase 9).
.SCA  Scenery Assembler source file for creating Microsoft Flight Simulator 5 map sceneries (Manfred Moldenhauer's SCASM/Scenery Assembler).
.SCALA Scala programming language source code file.
.SCAMFS_CATALOG Audio file catalog (ScanFS).
.SCC  StarOffice storage document (StarOffice Writer 5.1).
.SCD  Animated Screen Data file (3D GIF Designer).
.SCD  Schedule+ application file (Microsoft Office).
.SCD  Scribus Document format same as SLA (Scribus).
.SCD  SuperCollider language file (James McCartney and others' SuperCollider).
.SCE  Scribus object file (Scribus).
.SCE  Secure/encrypted file (SoftNet Security's SafeIT Encryption).
.SCH  Schedule+ application file (Microsoft Office).
.SCH  Circuit Schematic file (Michael Margraf's QUCS/Quite Universal Circuit Simulator).
.SCHLP SuperCollider Help file (James McCartney and others' SuperCollider).
.SCI  SciFAX image file (Many graphics applications).
.SCL  Scala tuning file.
.SCM  Sound Scheme file (Mirabilis ICQ2000a).
.SCM  Scheme programming language source file.
.SCN  Auto-saved game (LinCity-NG) User saved games are same format without the extension.
.SCN  Caligari trueSpace Scene file (Caligari trueSpace and many applications and environments).
.SCN  LightWave Scene file (LightWave Studio).
.SCN  Scenario file (Microsoft's Age of Empires 2).
.SCN  VideoWave Scene file (MGI VideoWave 5).
.SCO  Score file (Many audio/music composing/creating applications).
.SCP  Script file (Many applications).
.SCPT AppleScript file (Applications supporting the AppleScript scripting language).
.SCR  Frame script file (OpenFX Animator).
.SCR  Monitor/Screen configuration file.
.SCR  Scratchpad file (CIX's Ameol2).
.SCR  Screen image file (ZX Spectrum computer).
.SCR  Screensavers (Microsoft Windows).
.SCR  Script file (Half-Life game engine).
.SCR  Word 5.x Screen Capture image file (Microsoft Word and image editors).
.SCRATCHP Archived Scratchpad file (CIX's Ameol2).
.SCSU Unicode compressed file (Andrew West's BabelPad).
.SCT  SciTex Continuous Tone image file (Many graphics applications).
.SCT  Screen Template file (Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6).
.SCT  Script file.
.SCX  Form file (Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6).
.SD   Script Definition file (Visicom Media's AceHTML Pro).
.SD   Sound Designer audio file (Sound Designer and other applications).
.SD2  Sound Designer 2 audio file (QuickTime 7.7.2).
.SD4  Smart Diary Suite version 4 diary database file (Programming Sunrise's Smart Diary Suite 4).
.SD4-JOURNAL Smart Diary Suite version 4 Journal file (Programming Sunrise's Smart Diary Suite 4).
.SD4LF Smart Diary Suite version 4 Life Factors package file (Programming Sunrise's Smart Diary Suite 4).
.SD6  SafeIT address book file (SoftNet Security's SafeIT Encryption v6).
.SDA  Self-Dissolving Archive (Formats unique to each machine supporting such formats).
.SDA  StarDraw image file (StarOffice Draw 5.1).
.SDADDIN Sharp Develop AddIn installation package file ('s JSharp Develop 4).
.SDB  SafeIT address book Database file (SoftNet Security's SafeIT Encryption).
.SDC  StarCalc spreadsheet file (StarOffice Calc 5.1).
.SDD  StarImpress presentation Document file (StarImpress Writer 5.1).
.SDE  Equaliser settings file (Steven Mayall's MusicBee).
.SDF  SQL Server Database File (Many applications).
.SDF  System Data Format file = simiular to CSV and TSV, a file with fixed-length records delimited by a carriage return and line feed characters (Database applications).
.SDG  Clip art thumbnail Gallery resource (IBM Lotus Symphony).
.SDL  Service Description Language file (Microsoft VisualStudio).
.SDL  SmartDraw image/shape Library file (SmartDraw).
.SDM  StarMessage 5.0 e-mail file (Sun's StarOffice StarMessage e-mail client).
.SDP  Session Description Protocol (QuickTime 7.7.2).
.SDR  SmartDraw Drawing file (SmartDraw).
.SDS  SpyBot Search & Destroy Script file (Safer-Networking's SpyBot Script Editor 2).
.SDS  StarOffice binary Chart file (Older versions of Sun's StarOffice).
.SDSB SpyBot Search & Destroy Script Binary file = compiled script(Safer-Networking's SpyBot Script Editor 2).
.SDT  SmartDraw Template drawing file (SmartDraw).
.SDV  3GPP movie (QuickTime 7.7.2).
.SDV  SmartDraw Advisor image file (SmartDraw).
.SDW  StarWriter document file (StarOffice Writer 5.1).
.SEA  Macintosh OS Self-Extracting Archive file (SmithMicro Stuffit).
.SEC  Secure/encrypted file (SoftNet Security's SafeIT Encryption).
.SEL  EzyPage file (EzyWare's EzyPage).
.SES  Multi-track Session file (Syntrillium Cool Edit Pro).
.SESSION Saved Session file (Neil Hodgson's SciTE).
.SESX Multi-track Session file (Adobe Audition).
.SET  Character mapping base Set file (Word Perfect Office X6).
.SETTINGS Settings file (Cinta Software's CintaNotes).
.SF2  E-mu/Creative SoundFont 2 MIDI file (Many applications).
.SFARK SoundFont Archive file = compressed SoundFont file (Many audio/arrangement applications).
.SFARR SynthFont Arrangement file (Kenneth Rundt's SynthFont).
.SFD  Commodore SFD 1001 disk drive disk image file (Commodore computer emulators/utilities).
.SFD  Source File Data file = Font glyph data (FontForge).
.SFF  Elecbyte Sprite File (Jon Rafkind's Paintown).
.SFS  Orion Song Files (Sonic Syndicate Orion).
.SFS  StarFrame Frameset document file (StarOffice Frame 5.1).
.SFW  Sound Forge Workspace file (Sonic Foundry Sound Forge).
.SGF  Sonique player Skin file (Sonique Media Systems).
.SGI  SGI truecolor image file (Many image editors).
.SGL  StarWriter master/Global document file (StarOffice Writer 5.1).
.SGM  SGML template file / auto-file (Word Perfect Office X6).
.SGN  Sign document file (Sierra On-Line's Print Artist 3).
.SH   Command line Bash Shell script = batch of consecutively executed shell commands (Bash shell on Unix/Linux OSs).
.SH   Mindjongg saved game (Minder Mindjongg).
.SH3  Harvard Graphics format image.
.SH3D Sweet Home 3D project file = ZIP archive.
.SHADE RayShade file (Lintermann und Deussen's/Greenworks' XFrog 3 and other applications).
.SHADOW Shadow file (Neuber Font Twister).
.SHAPE Vector-based grayscale shape image (Dia).
.SHD  Bryce 2 materials file (MetaCreations Bryce 2).
.SHG  Segmented Hypergraph image file (Ulead Video Paint and other graphics applications).
.SHN  Shorten audio file = a popular compressed lossless audio format (Many audio editing/playing applications).
.SHP  ESRI Shape file (Autodesk 3DStudio, LibreCAD, CorelCAD, and many other drawing/modelling applications).
.SHP  Shalom Help Project file (Shalom Help Maker).
.SHW  Presentations file (Corel Presentations).
.SHX  Shape file.
.SID  MrSID image file (LizardTech MrSID).
.SID  SID chip music file (SIDPlayer and other 6581/SID chip emulating players).
.SIDX Stuffit Deluxe Extended format archive file (SmithMicro Stuffit Deluxe and Stuffit Expander).
.SIF  Setup Information File (driver installers - SiS, Cmedia, and others).
.SIFZ Synfig animation image file (Synfig Studio).
.SIG  Sign/poster project file (MindScape PrintMaster).
.SIMDT Software Ideas Modeller Documentation Template file (Dusan Rodina's Software Ideas Modeller).
.SIMP Software Ideas Modeller Project file (Dusan Rodina's Software Ideas Modeller).
.SIMSS Software Ideas Modeller StyleSets file (Dusan Rodina's Software Ideas Modeller).
.SIMT Software Ideas Modeller Template file (Dusan Rodina's Software Ideas Modeller).
.SIRENSKIN Siren Skin file (Sonic Foundry Siren/SirenXpress).
.SIT  Stuffit format archive file (Smith Micro's Stuffit Deluxe,Smith Micro's Stuffit Expander, and other archiving applications).
.SITX Stuffit Extended format archive file (SmithMicro Stuffit Deluxe and Stuffit Expander).
.SK1  sK1 vector graphics file (sK1 Team's UniConvertor 1.1.5).
.SKA  SSEYO Koan Album file (SSEYO Koan Album Player).
.SKB  SketchBoard sketch data file (Pojchara Jatupoj's SketchBoard).
.SKD  SSEYO Koan Design file (SSEYO Koan Album Player).
.SKF  SketchUp thumbnail image file (Autodesk SketchUp).
.SKL  System Library file (Windows operating system).
.SKM  SSEYO Koan Mix file (SSEYO Koan Album Player).
.SKN  Skin file (Earjam Internet Music Player 1.0).
.SKP  SketchUp Component file (Autodesk SketchUp, Google Sketchup, and others).
.SKP  SSEYO Koan Play file (SSEYO Koan Album Player).
.SKT  SSEYO Koan Template file (SSEYO Koan Album Player).
.SL   Shading Language file = RenderMan Shading Language (Timothy M Shead's K-3D 0.8).
.SLA  Scribus Layout format document file = UTF-8 encoded XML document native to the open source Scribus desktop publishing application. A few variants of the format, though all should handle them correctly.
.SLD  Slide file (Pierre-e Gougelet's XnView).
.SLD  Styled Layer Descriptor file (GeoServer 2).
.SLK  SYLK format spreadsheet or formulas file (Many Office applications).
.SLMETA Shading Language Metafile (Timothy M Shead's K-3D 0.8).
.SLN  Solution file (Microsoft VisualStudio).
.SLN  Solutions file ('s JSharp Develop 4).
.SLP  SLP file (ArtDesk SLP Writer).
.SLP  SLP render file (Parametric Technologies' Pro/Engineer).
.SMD  StarMessage Document file (Sun's StarOffice StarMessage e-mail client).
.SMF  MIDI file (QuickTime 7.7.2).
.SMF  Simple Model Format file (Leadwerks 3D World Studio).
.SMF  StarMath Mathematical Formula file (Sun's StarOffice StarMath).
.SMI  SmartIcons bar configuration file (Lotus Development's Lotus Organizer).
.SMI  SMIL/Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language file (QuickTime 7.7.2).
.SMIL SMIL/Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language file (QuickTime 7.7.2).
.SMIS Submitter Mission file (FirstPlace Software's WebPosition Gold).
.SMK  Smacker archive file.
.SML  Shape Markup Language image format. Vector based grayscale image (Kivio and other applications).
.SML  SMIL/Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language file = XML markup (QuickTime 7.7.2).
.SMP  NN19 Sampler device patch file (Propellerhead's Reason).
.SMP  Sound sample/audio file (SampleVision).
.SMTP SMTP/Simple Mail Transfer Protocol mailserve locations file (DesertFish Roamer).
.SNAPSHOT Snapshot of storage usage in mixed file of ANSI and UTF8 (Saleen Software File Pro - A Spacemonger clone in Delphi).
.SND  AU audio file (QuickTime 7.7.2).
.SNIPPET Code Snippet file (Microsoft VisualStudio).
.SNP  Snapshot file (Microsoft Snapshot Viewer).
.SO   Source or splash screen file (Cincom VisualWorks SmallTalk).
.SO   Subversion Object file (Tigris Subversion).
.SOB  Caligari Object file (Caligari for the Amiga OS).
.SOB  StarOffice BASIC application file (Sun's StarOffice and OpenOffice suites).
.SOC  StarOffice Configuration file (Sun's StarOffice and OpenOffice suites).
.SOD  StarOffice Definition file (Sun's StarOffice and OpenOffice suites).
.SOE  StarOffice Extension file (Sun's StarOffice and OpenOffice suites).
.SOS  SingOutStrong playlist file (Jan Fabirkiewicz' SingOutStrong Karaoke Player).
.SOU  Source code file (Cincom VisualWorks SmallTalk).
.SP6  SafeIT Secure Profile file (SoftNet Security's SafeIT Encryption v6).
.SPA  Splash movie (Macromedia FutureSplash and Flash supporting applications).
.SPD  form-Z Suspended render file (form-Z RadioZity).
.SPF  Crontab file (ActiveState's Komodo Edit).
.SPF  Shorthand glossary file (Bartels Media PhraseExpress).
.SPL  Splash file (Macromedia FutureSplash and some Flash supporting applications).
.SPOP Inter Trust file.
.SPP  Serif PhotoPlus animation file (Serif PhotoPlus).
.SPP  Serif PhotoPlus Picture file (Serif PhotoPlus).
.SPR  Screen Program file (Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6).
.SPX  Ogg Speex format audio file (Many audio applications).
.SQL  SQL database file (Many applications).
.SQL  Structured Query Language source code or procedure file (Many variants, operating systems, and applications).
.SQLITE SQLite database file (Many applications).
.SQT  Squirt save file (Squirt/ISQ).
.SR2  Sony RAW Format image file (Sony cameras, many image applications, many variants).
.SRB  Scrapbook file (Word Perfect Office X6).
.SRF  Sony RAW Format image file (Sony cameras, many image applications, many variants).
.SRI  Scrapbook Index file (Word Perfect Office X6).
.SRL  Secure Request Letter = plaintext e-mails/messages to recipients (SoftNet Security's SafeIT Encryption).
.SRP  Script files (various programs).
.SRT  SubRip format sub-titles file (Aegisub).
.SRT  SubRip format sub-titles file (Many media player applications).
.SS   Slide Show Project file (Anix Software's MySlideShow 2).
.SS   Scheme programming language source file.
.SS   Simple Sudoku format saved game file (SimpleSudoku, Bernhard Hobiger's HoDoKu and other Sudoku games).
.SSA  Advanced Substation Alpha format sub-titles file (Aegisub).
.SSD  SnagIt Studio project file (TechSmith SnagIt).
.SSF  Slideshow File (Bruno Cancelleri Pictoscope).
.SSG  Scrabble3D Saved Game file (Heiko Tietze's Scrabble3D).
.SSK  SmartSketch drawing format image file (Macromedia SmartSketch/Flash MX and other Flash applications).
.SSM  Standard Streaming Metafile (Real Networks' RealPlayer 7).
.SSP  Screen Saver Project file (MGShareware Screen Saver Builder).
.SSP  SSuite format Presentation file (SSuite Office Presentations).
.SSS  Soysal Setup batch command file (Soysal Setup Interpreter).
.SST  Microsoft Serialized certificate Store file.
.SSX  Slide Show Project file (Anix Software's MySlideShow 3).
.ST   SmallTalk file-outs file (Cincom VisualWorks SmallTalk).
.STAT Statistics file (Ari Pikivirta's Home FTP Server).
.STC  StarOffice Calc Template file = XML based file (Sun's StarOffice and other OpenOffice suites).
.STD  StarOffice Draw Template file = XML based file (Sun's StarOffice and other OpenOffice suites).
.STD  Sure Thing CD label, card, or jewel case Design file (Sure Thing CD Labeler).
.STDL-BACKUP Swift To Do List database auto-backup file (Dextronet Task List Guru).
.STDL Swift To Do List database file (Dextronet Task List Guru).
.STEP STEP format 3D geometry file (Many CAD/CAM and 3D design applications).
.STH  SampleTank instrument Header file (VST sound module requires .STI and .STW).
.STI  SampleTank Instrument program file (VST sound module requires .STH and .STW).
.STI  StarOffice Impress Template file = XML based file (Sun's StarOffice and other OpenOffice suites).
.STI  Sticker project file (MindScape PrintMaster).
.STK  Stock file (DTLink Software's Personal Stock Monitor 5).
.STL  EBU Sub-Titling data exchange format file (Aegisub).
.STL  Stereo Lithography file (Many molding, modelling and prototyping applications and devices).
.STP  e-Store Project file (Trellian eCommPRO).
.STT  Say The Time reminders file (Impaque Technology's Say The Time).
.STT  Sure Thing CD Template file (Sure Thing CD Labeler).
.STUFFITTASK Stuffit Task file (SmithMicro Stuffit Deluxe).
.STW  SampleTank instrument Waveform file (VST sound module requires .STH and .STI).
.STW  StarOffice Writer Template = XML based file (Sun's StarOffice and other OpenOffice suites).
.STY  Story file = text (Stepware's AceReader Pro).
.STY  Style file (Pixel Studio Pro).
.SUB  MicroDVD format sub-titles file (Many media player applications and sub-title editors).
.SUB  Sub channel data file for audio discs (Many disk image writer/creator applications).
.SUB  Subvein map file (Ben Johnson's Subvein).
.SUP  PGS/SUP subtitles file (Video audio applications).
.SVA  Sensiva plug-in Application file (Sensiva for Windows 2).
.SVE  Saved game file (Simutrans).
.SVG  Scalable Vector Graphics (Many).
.SVG  Scalable Vector Graphics 2D image format. An open standard that is well supported by many applications.
.SVGZ Compressed Scalable Vector Graphics 2D image format.
.SVI  Samsung format Video file (Samsung products and third party supporting applications).
.SVM  Sensiva Action file (Sensiva for Windows 2).
.SVM  StarView Metafile = SVG file (Sun's StarOffice 5.1).
.SVS  Sensiva Symbol file (Sensiva for Windows 2).
.SVT  Sensiva sound Theme file (Sensiva for Windows 2).
.SVX  Amiga 8SVX format IFF audio file (Audio editor/player applications).
.SWA  MPEG Layer-3 audio file (QuickTime 7.7.2).
.SWF  Shockwave Flash movie file (Macromedia Flash and third party Shockwave/Flash supporting applications).
.SWP  Screen Writer Project file (Virtual Amnesia's Screen Writer Pro).
.SWP  Swap file (Dyvision Works' Advanced Landscape Editor).
.SWT  Template file (Macromedia Generator).
.SXC  StarOffice XML Calc file (Sun's StarOffice and other OpenOffice suites).
.SXD  OpenOffice Drawing vector based image format. Like ODG image files, these enjoy support in the open source Office suites, and third-party Office programs.
.SXG  StarOffice XML master document (Sun's StarOffice and OpenOffice suites).
.SXI  StarOffice XML Impress document (Sun's StarOffice and OpenOffice suites).
.SXM  StarOffice XML Math formula file (Sun's StarOffice and other OpenOffice suites).
.SXT  NNXT Sampler device patch file (Propellerhead's Reason).
.SXW  StarOffice XML Writer document (Sun's StarOffice and other OpenOffice suites).
.SY3  Harvard Graphics format image file.
.SYLK Symbolic Link interchange format file = text (Many applications - see Wikipedia SYLK page).
.SYN  Synthesizer instrument file (FruityLoops, SimSynth, and other samplers, mixers, and trackers).
.SYX  Raw SysEx file (MIDI, sequencer, sampler and other audio applications).

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