Monday, September 2, 2013


.E    Eiffel programming language source file = text/code.
.EAC3 AC3 audio format AKA A/52 (Many media applications).
.EAF  ELAN Annotation File = XML markup (Audio transcription files).
.EBC  EBCDIC text document file (Many text applications).
.EBML Extensible Binary Meta Language file.
.ECC  Error-Correction Codes file = Reed-Solomon ECC (ICE Graphics' ICE ECC).
.ECP  Easy Code Project file (Ramon Sala's Easy Code GoASM).
.ECR  Easy Code Resource file (Ramon Sala's Easy Code GoASM).
.ECW  Easy Code Window file (Ramon Sala's Easy Code GoASM).
.EDB  Microsoft Exchange server store Data Base file (Microsoft Exchange Server).
.EDL  Adobe Premiere Edit Decision List/EDL script file (SoftLab's DDClip Pro).
.EDL  Edit Decision List/EDL file (Adobe Premiere 5).
.EDS  EditStudio document/project file = text XML (Pure Motion EditStudio).
.EDT  EditStudio template file = text XML (Pure Motion EditStudio).
.EFX  OpenFX Effects file (OpenFX Animator).
.EI   Electric Image format image file (Electric Image).
.EL   Lisp source code file.
.ELEV WCS Elevation file = terrain height data (3D editors and mapping applications).
.ELM  Theme Elements package file (Valadeo LiveSite Creator).
.ELX  Event Log Explorer workspace file (FSPro Labs' Event Log Explorer 4).
.EMAILFERRETSEARCH EmailFerret saved Search file (EmailFerret).
.EMF  Enhanced Meta File image or icon file (Many applications).
.EML  E-Mail file (Netscape Mail, SoftMaker Office eM Client, and other e-mail applications).
.EMULECOLLECTION eMule/ED2K file links Collection file (eMule-Project's eMule, eMule mods, and compatible filesharing clients).
.ENC  Encoded file requiring decoding, usually text-based/MIME encoding (Many applications).
.ENFF Extended Neutral File Format file = an adaptation of Eric Haines' NFF format file.
.ENG  English language/language-support file = documentation, translation(s), dictionary, application library, etc.
.ENG  RASP motor/engine file (OpenRocket and rocket simulators).
.ENT  Character Entities set file (Word Perfect Office X6).
.ENT  Dial-up networking Entries file (Magenta's DUN Manager).
.ENT  Entities file (CAD/CAM and prototyping applications).
.ENV  Envelope document file (Sierra On-Line's Print Artist 3).
.ENV  Envelope file (HollywoodFX Incorporated Hollywood FX).
.ENV  Envelope project file (MindScape PrintMaster).
.EOS  Enfish Onespace Skin file (Enfish Personal).
.EP   Encapsulated PostScript vector based drawing (Many variants, many programs).
.EPA  Award BIOS logo image file = displayed on bootup by a multitude of personal computers that use it's BIOS chips.
.EPC  Encapsulated/Ember Photo Collection file (Firehand Ember).
.EPI  Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format file = an EPS file with a prepended bitmap thumbnail image of what the EPS/EPSI page will look like when printed (Many applications).
.EPL  Earjam Playlist file (Earjam Internet Music Player 1.x).
.EPS  Encapsulated PostScript format file = Developed by Adobe and used extensively in printing, publishing, etcetera (Many applications).
.EPSF Encapsulated PostScript vector based drawing (Many variants, many programs).
.EPSI Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format file = an EPS file with a prepended bitmap thumbnail image of what the EPS/EPSI page will look like when printed (Many applications).
.EPT  Encapsulated PostScript vector based drawing (Many variants, many programs).
.EPUB Electronic Publication format document file (Document/eReader viewers/editors).
.ER   Elastic Reality effects file (Avid Elastic Reality).
.ER   Entity/Relationship table diagram (Dia and other diagramatic applications).
.ERL  Erlang programming language file = text/code (Many applications "werl.exe").
.ERP  Easy Resource Planner database (Patrena's Easy Resource Planner).
.ERR  Error log (SimCity for Windows and other applications).
.ERR  Program compiling Error log (Microsoft Visual FoxPro).
.ERT  Entity/Relationship Table diagram (Dia and other diagramatic applications).
.ESL  Quickstart file (IBM Crayola Print Factory).
.ESQ  Esquimo 3D file (Nine Vectors' Esquimo 3D).
.ESS  EasySpeadSheet Spreadsheet file (e-Press Easy Office).
.EST  E-Soft song Set file (E-Soft's Media Box MP3 Workstation).
.EST  Spanish/Español language file for Unreal Tournament 2003 (Digital Extremes & Epic Games UT2003).
.ET   Spreadsheet file (Kingsoft Office Spreadsheets).
.ETICOVERNOTE Enfish Cover Note file (Enfish Onespace Personal).
.ETIQUICKNOTE Enfish Quick Note file (Enfish Onespace Personal).
.ETL  Circular or sequential Trace Log file (Microsoft Windows Performance Monitor).
.ETT  Spreadsheet Template file (Kingsoft Office Spreadsheets).
.EULA End User Licensing Agreement file = text file that accompanies software and other distributions that presumes that any sap reading it or performing any act described in it is entered into an agreement with unknown and unseen parties by an act of miraculous conceptualizing by said parties.
.EVY  Corel Envoy document (old WordPerfect application suites and applications/systems of that era that supported Envoy applications).
.EXE  Executable application file (Windows operating system).
.EXE  Script droplet file (Adobe ImageReady).
.EXE  Self-extracting archive (Many variants and applications).
.EXP  Export template file (abcAVI Tag Editor).
.EXR  OpenEXR high definition image file (LuminanceHDR).
.EXSD Extension Schema Definition file (IBM Lotus Symphony).
.EZB  EasyBookkeeper file (e-Press Easy Office).
.EZP  Easy Web Page Creator Web Site file (e-Press Easy Office).
.EZP  EasyPresentations Presentations file (e-Press Easy Office)

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