Monday, September 2, 2013


.H    Header file (C++ programming environments/APIs).
.H2PATTERN Hydrogen drum machine pattern.
.H2SONG Hydrogen drum machine project/composition.
.HAN  Headline Animation file (MetaCreations Headline Studio).
.HAR  HTTP Archive file (Fiddler web debugger).
.HBP  Batch Processing list file (Adobe Premiere 5).
.HBS  Harbour programming language Script file (Harbour applications).
.HCD  H-Signature Cache Data file (Analinx Duplicatch).
.HCFG HoDoKu Configuration file (Bernhard Hobiger's HoDoKu).
.HCR  Half-fold Card project file (MindScape PrintMaster Gold).
.HDG  HDGraph graph/graphics file (Jean-Yves Laugel's HDGraph).
.HDP  Hard Disk/HD Project file (MAGIX Music Studio).
.HDP  HD Wave audio Project file (MAGIX Music Studio 6).
.HDR  CABinet Header file that accompanies a .CAB file of the same name (hardware/device driver installers).
.HDR  Radiance RGBE image file (LuminanceHDR).
.HDR  Song file (Bremmers Audio Design's Multitrack Studio).
.HDR  Usenet newsgroup Headers (Xnews newsreader).
.HEAD Header file (Many applications).
.HEX  Hexadecimal/binary data file = HP/Hewlett-Packard printer/scanner firmware update payload = Same as BIN.
.HF   Heightfield file (RayShade, Terrain descriptions).
.HFO  Hollywood FX Object file (Pinnacle Systems Hollywood FX).
.HFX  Hollywood FX effect file (Pinnacle Systems Hollywood FX).
.HFZ  Hollywood FX ZIP compressed archive file (Pinnacle Systems Hollywood FX).
.HGL  HP/Hewlett Packard Graphics Language file (Jasc Paint Shop Pro).
.HGT  Height map file (Shogun Total War).
.HH   HammerHead pattern file (Bram Bos' HammerHead Rhythm Station).
.HLP  Help file. The name of the help file is often the same name as the executable file for which it provides helpful information (Microsoft Windows Help).
.HMP  HoTMetaL Pro web site Project database file (SoftQuad HoTMetaL Pro).
.HOL  Holidays file (Microsoft Office XP Outlook).
.HPF  HomePage Factory link file (ICQ2000a).
.HPG  Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language plotter format image (Many graphics and modelling applications).
.HPGL Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language plotter format image (Many graphics and modelling applications).
.HPI  Hemera Picture/clip art file (Hemera's Photo Objects Sampler).
.HPJ  Help Project file (Microsoft Help Workshop).
.HPP  C++ programming language source code file.
.HPP  HoTMetaL Pro web site Project file (SoftQuad HoTMetaL Pro).
.HPU  Homepage Upper profile (TeuchiSoft Homepage Upper).
.HQX  BinHex archive file (SmithMicro's Stuffit Deluxe 2010 and other archive applications).
.HSA  ClickHelp file = HTML/Markup/Script-based (Clickteam JaMagic).
.HSOL HoDoKu format Sudoku puzzle file (Bernhard Hobiger's HoDoKu).
.HSP  Hollywood FX Spline Preset file (HollywoodFX Incorporated Hollywood FX).
.HST  Command History file (ZedTech's ZTreeWin and other command-line/CLI applications).
.HT   HyperTerminal session log files (Hilgraeve's HyperTerminal).
.HTA  Hyper-Text Application file = Browser-based application (Many browsers, HTML editors, web developer environments).
.HTB  HyperText Studio Backup project file (Olson Software HyperText Studio).
.HTC  Hyper Text database Connector file (Microsoft FrontPage).
.HTK  HTML template file (FirstPlace Software's WebPosition Gold).
.HTM  Hyper Text Markup Language file.
.HTML Hyper-Text Markup Language file (Internet browsers and many other applications).
.HTS  HyperText Studio project file (Olson Software HyperText Studio).
.HTT  HyperText Template file (Olson Software HyperText Studio).
.HTX  Database connector HTML template file (Microsoft Frontpage).
.HXX  C++ programming language source code file.

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